
Titles available in print and e-book by Daniel O'Reilly


Everything is Cake

by Daniel O’Reilly, 2025

Twenty two short stories


‘Everything is Cake’ is a collection of twenty two short stories of the surreal, macabre, and weird. Inspired by the series of engravings by Spanish artist Francisco de Goya entitled 'Los Disparates'. Each story opens a window onto obscure, private, poorly-lit worlds populated by a cast of unlikely characters caught in bizarre, but eerily familiar situations; from a hunter hunted by radicalised vegans, to a hard-up woman who grows an argumentative new head under her armpit - each episode builds upon the last, creating a network of interlinking narrative structures and harmonies which explore themes of dream, desire, monomania, and counterfeit realities, delving into the nature of dissimulation and how false realities can influence our real lives.


This book is currently in pre-production

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*This book in the press*

The title story ‘Everything is Cake’ was published at Zoetic Press in February 2024, and Daniel was awarded ‘Contributor of the Month’ for the story. This story was also published in the ‘Heathentide Orphans’ annual chapbook by Zoetic Press, and is available to purchase

Read 'Everything is Cake'

Buy 'Heathentide Orphans' on Amazon



Elliptical Passages

by Daniel O’Reilly, 2021


“In the very small hours of the morning - so small you would really have to squat down and squint to see them - there is a tiny warship, the Weedy Johnson. There exists a story about how it got there, and also how about it got to be so small, as warships go. But the story is thin on reasons with regard to these peculiar facts. The story is one of human intellect, and of self-deception. The Weedy Johnson is a red herring, a distraction from the main conflict which is happening by stealth somewhere deep inside...”


Handbound chapbook of six short stories

Buy directly from the author via email



The Dollar Romances

by Daniel O’Reilly, 2021


“Brexit happened overnight, only I was sound asleep when it actually occurred. The following morning, though groggy from my long drive to Zaragoza, I noticed a distinct change in the way things are - that’s for sure. Non-existent, yet undeniable changes. Every time I reach for something, it seems to be just out of reach. My hand goes out to the nightstand for a glass of water, but fails to find its object. My hand grasps at the door handle, misses and clutches at air. I place my phone on the table for a moment, but it takes forty minutes for my hand to locate it again. Stupid hand. It’s as though I am perpetually miscalculating the distances between things, or like the things themselves have become displaced, somewhat - but only by a fraction of an inch. And who can tell me the fraction of an inch? Perhaps my friend, Rick of Gibraltar…”


Seven short stories

116 pages, ebook

Available as a PDF to Patrons. Become a Patron




by Daniel O’Reilly, 2020


“When I watch a film, I only ever watch around the edges of the oblong screen. I look at the trees in the wind. Some litter on the street. The blur around an actress’ head. An open window. A telephone pole. Sometimes I shoot little bits of video of quiet corners around the place and upload them to YouTube. Some clothes drying on a line outside a townhouse. The way a shadow forms, or a weed growing through concrete. A broken brick. These things, to me, are the unattended temples of Karnataka, carved in monumental blocks of pure granite.”


Handbound chapbook of five short stories

Buy directly from the author via email



The Carouser’s Notebook

by Marianna and Daniel O’Reilly, 2007


Artists’ book of drawings by Marianna and Daniel O’Reilly, which explores ecstatic states of inspiration, spirituality, and dream.


162 pages, perfect bound, square black & white art book, (216 x 216 mm)

Buy at Lulu

