The 9th edition of [dis]Corporate Bodies exists in a state of becoming. It is EREHWON
The following assembly of outstanding material for your considered enjoyment represents 4 months of research and collaboration with 8 superb practitioners across multiple fields and media.
The actual TOPIC of our research is left purposefully vague. Who are WE to tell you what to think? People do so for themselves. To prove it, The Unstitute has employed its most sensitive devices in the production of a roadmap for Artifical Intelligence, known as project GORT.
But to add some London flavour to an otherwise international edition of [dis]Corporate Bodies, we begin with this news clip from the BBC, with Darcus Howe and Fiona Armstrong.
There are many important Twitter #hashtags relevant to the contemporary crisis in race that we can go investigate ourselves; it is recommended that you do so. Join the swarm of voices, hear those who cluster around trends to influence and inflame, vilify and demonise - a great, dischordant symphony of human feeling...
The Chief Enginer*
(*He cares)
Presentation for Deleuze And Guattari And Africa: Southern Responses UCT, Cape Town
fuZZy face (Linda Stewart) is a professor of law at the North-West University (Potchefstroom) South Africa. She teaches legal hermeneutics and human rights. Her research and consequential research outputs focused on poverty and the realization of socio-economic rights in terms of the South African Constitution. Since 2012, she redirected her research towards analyzing human rights in constitutional states with particular reference to the radical philosophy of immanence of Deleuze and Guattari. She is currently focusing on exploring the concepts of Deleuze and Guattari to re-think law. This includes (inter alia): 1) The formation of the subject of constitutional rights; 2) Deleuze and jurisprudence; 3) Deleuze and human rights discourse and the question of assemblages; 4) Becoming minorities and lines of flight; and 5) The court as a faciality machine. She is also interested in exploring immanence and expressionism that goes beyond representationalism in language through a combination of poetry and multi-media.
How one can represent a subjective narrative via objective representation, covering, exploring and questioning ideas of truth. The idea of subjective truth is explored through a third party, which, in specific terms of my final piece, a historical event- that being the Brixton Riots. The idea of a third party is also explored through already existing material, which has already been mediated for specific tailored representation- acclaiming to be objective and empirical, or what we conceive to be empirical. i.e. news reports and documentaries. Further to this, the narrator, or more specifically, myself can also be considered as a third party, that I myself am filtering through the information that I have collected and my personally shot footage and constructed narrative, thus, the information and the retelling of both subjective and more social/ objective narrative/ experiences are represented.
The work also explores the intersubjective relationship that is established when individuals encounter the moving image, something that is usually contrasted to the individual experience. Thus, evidencing the social experience of the experiencing of moving image, as well as key historic events, which sit within our collective memory. Something that is mirrored within the film; the establishment and representation of the individual is explored in relation to what is essentially a social event. Further to this, ideas of intersubjectivity are also explored through the employment of film itself; the medium allows the experience of perceptive reality to be shared. That what is shown is understood by all encountering the work/ moving image, even if the actual experience of that perceived reality is essentially an illusional. Despite this, and questions of actual, true representation, the film exploits how as a medium it is the closest mode of true representation possible, but simultaneously completely illusional and unreliable. This is particularly explored in the visually abstracted section in my final film. The visuals, minus the cutting, remain untouched and unmediated, evidencing that we have become conditioned to rely upon the medium’s ability to represent reality truthfully. Of course, questions further arise to this section as what was recorded is truthfully done by the camera and its mechanics, but this quotation of reality is not one of our perception, thus realising and raising questions about how ideas truth and perception are complex, that we believe that what we visually perceive is that of reality, thus shared and thus true.
Read 'Athens without slavery: the battle for Europe' and other essays by James Luchte HERE
James Luchte is interested in the philosophy of existence (Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Bataille, and Foucault) and the role of language, art and action in the disclosure of truth and transformation of existence.
He has written over two dozen articles on various topics, from pure philosophy, political economic philosophy, aesthetics, poetry and politics. His essays have also been translated and published in Chinese and Turkish.
Currently, he is Visiting Professor of Philosophy at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, School of Humanities and is writing his latest book entitled Mortal Thought: Holderlin and Philosophy (forthcoming from Bloomsbury Publishing in 2016).
His books include Marx and the Revolution of the Sacred (2015), Of the Feral Children: A Mayan Farce (2012), Early Greek Thought: Before the Dawn (2011), The Peacock and the Buffalo: The Poetry of Nietzsche (bi-lingual second edition, 2010), Pythagoras and the Doctrine of Transmigration (2009), Heidegger's Early Philosophy: The Phenomenology of Ecstatic Temporality (2008), Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Before Sunrise (2008), and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (2007).
His poetry has been published by various journals, such as Panic! Poetry and Arts, Lampeter Review and Living Poets, and has been published in translation in China.
A news headline reads: “Fire Brigade “couldn’t care less” about London’s Shadow Homes”
...and then goes on to read...
“Thousands of people in London are living in ‘homes-within-homes’ – often in dangerous conditions – just because they feel like it. Our reporters found people paying to live almost anywhere; on abandoned industrial estates, underneath piles of garbage and dead dogs – even inside other peoples’ bodies.
This ‘shadow’ housing market – as it is now being called – is causing the London Fire Brigade to “pull their own heads off”. Read the full Story